The Convergence of Safety, Security & Risk Management Capability

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Safety, Security & Risk Management can no longer be siloed, with “traditional” divisions between physical, cyber / IT & communications, intelligence, technology, and logistics. These disciplines must be organised together to enhance and support each other’s capabilities in order to secure and safeguard your personnel, physical, and digital assets.

Security convergence trends occurring in the marketplace also demand converged resourcing capabilities. In a global environment increasingly characterised by regulation, often time-sensitive operational requirements, and contingent workforces, access to diverse expertise must be rapid, agile, transparent, and compliant.

Marshal (verb: to gather people together and organise for a specific purpose) converges all Safety, Security & Risk Management disciplines into a single system, where practitioners share role-specific employment credentials, continuously, remotely, and on a permission basis, enabling organisations to build propriety networks of diverse contingent capability, for current and future projects, at scale – from individuals to entire teams across multiple projects and locations.

Risk Analysts – Close Protection Officers – Paramedics – Crisis & Disaster Management Consultants – EOD/C-IED Search – Cyber Security Experts – Security Training Personnel – Security Directors – Health & Safety Consultants – Canine Handlers – Protective Security Specialists – Security Drivers – Remote Environment Medics – Resilience & Continuity Specialists – Security Project & Programme Managers – Travel Safety Consultants – PSD Team Members – Maritime Security Officers – Surveillance Experts – NGO & Media Safety Consultants – Aviation Security Practitioners – Crowd Safety Experts – Manned Guarding Personnel – CBRNe / HAZMAT Experts – Emergency Preparedness Consultants – Threat Management Consultants – Security Technicians – Operations Personnel – And more …

Integrating capability resourcing with secure, on-demand personal data access, and audit & compliance functions, via the cloud, helps HR, Project and Operations staff reduce time, cost, and risk challenges when planning, mobilising and servicing contracts.

  • Time and Costs – Direct and indirect impact, with missed opportunities, delays and disruptions to contracts as a result of deploying non-compliant personnel, or the inability to deploy compliant personnel.
  • Administration – Personal Data Management & Security: Confidentiality, Integrity, Accessibility via cloud access vs. multiple, one-dimensional, dispersed, legacy systems which hold obsolete data on premise, and cannot interact across departments, projects or your contingent network.
  • Assurance – Identifying personnel as sufficiently trained, qualified and licensed to operate, and available in advance. Keep the network informed of opportunities – and changes, such as contract award / project start date slippage.

Become more agile and resilient to changing operational and commercial dynamics: build your contingent Safety, Security & Risk Management capability with Marshal.

Marshal is a powerful, exclusive digital marketing platform that helps to simplify and scale access to the complex Security Risk Management and Resilience market, in order to develop opportunities, drive growth and achieve objectives across conflict zones to cyberspace.

Categories: Training


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