Mobilising Teams into Safety-Regulated Environments

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When mobilising and delivering manpower-intensive projects in safety-regulated environments, the time, costs, and risks of sourcing and deploying a diverse workforce, particularly contractors, are compounded by the challenges of accessing ever increasing amounts of personal data  from CVs to qualifications, certifications, permits, licences, criminal record checks, passports, visas, insurance, training and medical records, and more.

It is costing companies money, and opportunity, and exposing them to liability.

Data is typically transmitted and stored insecurely over numerous company systems, with records [poorly] maintained on spreadsheets. It rapidly becomes obsolete, and is often inaccurate, misplaced, dispersed, potentially fraudulent  and is all subject to evolving data privacy and security regulations, with the prospect of crippling fines.

Applicant tracking systems used my some companies (as a step-up from spreadsheets), filter applications based on given criteria such as keywords, skills, former employers, years of experience and schools attended (which has served to promote the adoption of “CV optimization” techniques) … but none identify whether, for example, the candidate’s passport is out of date; their permit to work has been authorised, or a training course certification proof actually exists. If you are an Operations Manager, and have picked up a fast-ball request from a new client to deploy someone on the ground “yesterday”, are you going to wait for X to provide a DBS check, or deploy Y who already has one?

Imagine having access to all the data you require, securely, in advance, and on demand, through a centralised portal – without any management or compliance responsibility for it, whatsoever. Simply invite individuals to connect and request access to their documents, which they align to your role-specific criteria.

On this basis, Marshal was developed to provide a solution to the problems of talent supply chain risk and personal data (mis)management.

To marshal” is to gather people together and organises them for a specific purpose. Marshal software, then, helps Project Services companies build communities of qualified personnel for current and future projects, mitigate time, cost, risk and compliance challenges in their talent supply chain, and without having to process personal data.

Our clients increasingly depend on robust systems that provide rapid (ie direct) mission-critical enablement in contractor sourcing, personal data security, and risk management. For example, Marshal offers Risk & Security Management companies, that deploy personnel into safety-regulated environments, often at short notice, a powerful talent pool management platform to identify in advance who is sufficiently trained, qualified, licensed to operate and available.

Designed with years of international risk and project mobilization experience, Marshal strengthens your talent supply chain by connecting you with specialist individuals and teams, providing a suite of integrated functions that reduce the time, cost and risk in the hiring and mobilisation cycle – direct sourcing, auditing & compliance, shortlisting, communication, aggregation and segregation, personal data security and automation to deliver three specific points of advantage:

  1. Continuously assure personnel are sufficiently trained, qualified, and licensed to operate without needing to collect, retain, update, manage, migrate, disclose, or dispose of personal data.
  2. Build resilience, agility, transparency, and automation into your talent acquisition strategy, to improve operational efficiency, manage ‘duty of care’ obligations, and reduce liability exposure.
  3. Optimize your talent supply chain for speed and opportunity by continuously connecting and communicating with, auditing, and shortlisting personnel against operational criteria, to deploy on current and future contracts.

Marshal is a powerful, exclusive digital marketing platform that helps to simplify and scale access to the complex Security Risk Management and Resilience market, in order to develop opportunities, drive growth and achieve objectives across conflict zones to cyberspace.

Categories: Training


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