Maximise the Pros and Reduce the Cons in Security Industry Tradeshows

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Tradeshows can be a valuable marketing and networking opportunity for businesses, but they also have some potential drawbacks to consider.

Here are some pros and cons of participating in tradeshows:


  • Tradeshows can be a great way to showcase your products or services to a large number of potential customers in a short period of time.
  • They can provide an opportunity to network with other industry professionals and establish new business relationships.
  • Tradeshows can be a useful way to stay up-to-date on industry trends and learn about new products or technologies.
  • Participating in a tradeshow can help to build brand awareness and increase visibility for your business.


  • Tradeshows can be expensive, with costs including booth space, travel, and marketing materials.
  • They can be time-consuming, requiring significant planning and preparation.
  • It can be challenging to stand out among the many other exhibitors at a tradeshow.
  • Tradeshows may not always be the most effective marketing strategy, depending on your target audience and the type of products or services you offer.

Marshal Maximises the Pros and Reduces the Cons

Unlike infrequent and expensive physical trade shows, Marshal’s suite of Virtual Expos provide a continuous route to market for niche Resources, Training, Events, Publications, and Practitioners within and across multiple markets, events, and locations, simultaneously, via one central location, making exhibiting, sourcing, screening and procurement significantly more scalable, efficient, timely, and accessible.

Physical presence is a major benefit of trade shows, of course – people like the opportunity to touch, feel, and “play” with products, and to meet and develop those key relationships with the people behind the companies and their social media profiles.

Working in a digital space, Marshal clearly doesn’t replace this capability – but we do augment it, by leveraging technology in a way that delivers increasing value to the stakeholder community.

–  Firstly, by solving distribution. Imagine all the Safety & Security market tradeshows in the world under one roof! By converging the disparate risk management “subjects” through a single digital channel and connecting them with a global network of professionals committed to the safety of people and property, for ease of access, awareness, visibility, and education.

–  Secondly, by being contextual: relevant and responsive to the diverse operating environments encountered, from familiar, long standing risk scenarios, to emerging, fast moving threats, stakeholders do not have to wait months or spend money [to visit a show] to learn about what is new on the market, or how to access solutions available and appropriate to their immediate operational or strategic requirements

–  Thirdly, by being dynamic: versus a “one time event” connection to the buyer, we enable suppliers to influence a dedicated stakeholder network, over time, with on demand and real time exhibiting, in anticipation of, and in preparation for, the future physical meeting. Building awareness of, and excitement towards innovations, solutions, and ideas, via searchable exhibits – including live demonstrations, product launches, webinars, key note addresses, and more – before the / delegate steps through the door, goes a very long way to “selling” the prospect  before closing them.


Marshal provides hyper-focused Virtual Expos for the Safety & Security market. 

We’re supporting a growing network of stakeholders to navigate the diverse solutions landscape in and across their specific operating environments, in order to make faster, more informed decisions that help protect lives and property.