How Do We Take The Drivel Out Of Safety, Security, & Risk Management?

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The Safety, Security, & Risk Management market is highly fragmented, opaque, increasingly regulated, and difficult to navigate. Finding the credible information required to make informed decisions is challenging and time-consuming, causing delay and increased cost, missed opportunities, and liability exposure.

How can I access the best candidates – operationally compliant and available to deploy often at short notice? Who is hiring? Who provides the best training courses? Who has the best training facilities available for lease? Who is running networking events? What “intelligence” products will help me mitigate risks of operating in, or travelling to (or through) a certain part of the world? Who has armored vehicles available for hire, or Security Teams available for a short, fast ball contract; or fully vetted and accredited medical equipment for sale in a specific hostile environment?  And countless more examples…

Obviously, social media is popular and is used to post such promotional material. Indeed, in the absence of any low cost alternative, the platforms are the principal channels for marketing such services. Yet their content is ephemeral, and the reach is determined by (constantly changing) algorithms; the number of connections and followers; and if and when individuals actually log in to the systems. Chances are you interacting with the same core group of people each time. 

Flip side: as a “consumer”, when your social media feed is not wholly customized to your interests, how many opportunities are missed simply because you haven’t scrolled (battled?) through the feed that day, or week? The ephemeral nature of the feeds mean that whether we get to see something of actual interest, when it matters is, to a large degree, down to chance. Indeed, how many potentially useful posts from organizations you  follow (and don’t follow) are drowned out by all the other largely irrelevant and banal content: the constant stream of shameless and boring personal aggrandizing, interminable polls; unsolicited, ill-informed opinion, and all the other drivel that we are subjected to? It’s impossible to know. 

We are left to ask questions or request referrals from our networks and groups, which can generate even more confusion – and may not even provide the best solution for the circumstances. If you want to source, review, compare and organise the best optionsin order to manage risk or develop professionally, then using LinkedIn networks and Facebook groups is, let’s be honest, a useful but ultimately dislocated  approach.

Marshal is focusing on what matters.

Our dynamic marketing platform is dedicated to the promotion, resourcing, and review of Safety, Security, & Risk Management products, services and expertise. We converge capability to connect stakeholders with the broad and diverse options required to protect lives and safeguard assets. Personnel, Training Services, Resources, Events, and Publications are searchable and continuously accessible according to specific expertise and subject categories, locations, keywords and company names – without all the extraneous “noise” of social media networks.

To marshal” is to gather people together and organise them for a specific purpose. Our aim is to make this sector more navigable, for provider and consumer alike. Join us at



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