How a remote-access Talent Pool for security manpower can reduce your operational anxiety!

Published by Marshal on

“Looking for 3 Tier 1 Executive Protection Specialists with passports for a 1 week effort in Europe starting 03 Sept. Please contact me if you are interested, with resume.”

This was posted on LinkedIn recently. They have got 5 days to turn this around and deploy people on task! 

Imagine the response though. If this post generates 100 applications, how long will it take to review them all; identify who is “Tier 1”; check they have a passport and all the other compliance paperwork required to travel to Europe on for this role.

How much unnecessary productivity and resource does this approach to recruiting consume?  

If you created a Talent Pool – in advance – where you could identify your available Tier One operators against a hashtag search, including experience in the theatre in question, and already have access to their current paperwork, from CV to passport, to insurance, to medical qualifications, training records, insurance, and more, you could spend your time briefing and deploying, rather than the cumbersome process of sourcing, filtering, screening, verifying, contracting and mobilising. 

Marshal enables you to do this – and you dont have to keep any of that data on company systems, meaning the OWNER is responsible for updating it, or they will lose out possible opportunities to those who have their admin squared away.

Set up your talent pool – or register a personal profile as a Jobseeker via
