Converging Safety, Security & Risk Management Disciplines into a Single Network

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More and more, we are seeing the need for agility in the marketplace. Safety, Security and Risk Management departments need to focus on flexibility, creativity and speed to stay relevant, and this means a convergence of cyber, physical, travel, crisis management and other related capabilities. 

To help, Marshal converges all Safety, Security & Risk Management disciplines into a single network, providing the ability to build and access diverse contingent capability, on demand, and enabling a faster, more scalable response to changing commercial and operational dynamics:


Risk Analysts – Close Protection Officers – Paramedics – Crisis & Disaster Management Consultants – EOD/C-IED Search – Cyber Security Experts – Hostile Environment Training Instructors – Security Directors – Health & Safety Consultants – Canine Handlers – Protective Security Specialists – Security Drivers – Remote Environment Medics – Resilience & Continuity Specialists – Security Project & Programme Managers – Travel Safety Consultants – PSD Team Members – Maritime Security Officers – Surveillance Experts – NGO & Media Safety Consultants – Aviation Security Practitioners – Crowd Safety Experts – Manned Guarding Personnel – CBRNe / HAZMAT Experts – Emergency Preparedness Consultants – Self Defence & Tactical Training Instructors – Threat Management Consultants – Security Technicians – Operations Personnel … and more.


What does Marshal offer the Practitioner?

  • Organisations often need to react quickly to ensure they capture new commercial opportunities, maximise value in existing contracts, or bolster capability to safeguard their assets.
  • Helping prospective employers do so by providing secure access to all your current employment credentials puts you towards the front of their hiring queue.
  • Marshal enables you to do so with multiple companies simultaneously, securely, and dynamically, via a single channel.
  • As circumstances and credentials change, all your connections have access to your updated information immediately – so you spend no time having to contact and update them one by one.

How Does Marshal Work?

  • Registration is Free
  • Registering a Personal Profile provides you with a “Folder” into which you upload, organise and manage documented employment credentials to share securely with prospective and current employers you connect with.
  • You may also provide additional information often required by employers, who can search against such criteria: eg, your desired work location; availability; notice period; languages spoken; countries worked in; level of seniority achieved, required compensation; and more.

Join Talent Pools

  • Send connection requests to organisations from your Connections function.
  • Join the Talent Pool of organisations registered with Marshal.

Share Your Details

  • Share your Folder securely with companies you connect with – providing permission-based access to your CV (Resume), and role-specific qualifications, permits, licences, travel authorisations, training records, insurance proofs, etc.
  • Share all, or only specific documents as necessary, with your connections.
  • Withdraw your permission to access your personal data at any time, or remain connected to keep abreast of new opportunities as they become available.
  • Use the QR Code function to market yourself at scale by providing open access to the details you choose to share more publicly via external media. (A subscription applies for his service).

Apply for New Positions

  • As long as you remain connected to a company’s Talent Pool, they are able to search your profile and assess you against positions that become available.
  • Access the Job Board of each company you connect with, to maintain awareness of and apply to the roles as they become available.

    Please Note:

    • Marshal is a Network rather than a Jobs board. As such, individual connections are required to facilitate the secure exchange of personal information.
    • Contact the Marshal Administrator if the system is not working for you, or not as you expected it to – we are always grateful to hear your feedback.

    Marshal is a powerful, exclusive digital marketing platform that helps to simplify and scale access to the complex Security Risk Management and Resilience market, in order to develop opportunities, drive growth and achieve objectives across conflict zones to cyberspace.

    Categories: Training