Ten Key Components of a Comprehensive Security Training Program

A comprehensive security training program should include the following components: Threat Awareness: The training should provide an overview of the potential threats that an organization may face, including physical security threats, cyber threats, and social engineering attacks. Policies and Procedures: The training should cover the organization’s policies and procedures regarding Read more…

How do you set a “Risk Appetite”?

Setting a risk appetite involves identifying and defining an organization’s tolerance for risk in pursuit of its objectives. The process usually involves the following steps: Identify the organization’s objectives: The first step is to identify the organization’s objectives, such as growth, profitability, innovation, or customer satisfaction. This step provides a Read more…

A Safety & Security Solutions Snapshot

The Safety & Security solutions landscape is hugely diverse and innovative. Here’s a snapshot of just some more of the offerings passing through the Marshal Feed: Drone Security Services and Premium Executive Protection Level 3 Fire, Emergency & Security Systems (FESS) Apprenticeship (UK) Security Awareness Training and Simulated Phishing Platform Read more…