An End to Security, Risk & Resilience Content Chaos!

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For Security, Risk Management & Resilience stakeholders, access to timely and relevant intelligence is paramount for robust decision making.

Equally, there are many other publications across this broad and diverse sector that offer great value, supporting practitioners in achieving their professional objectives.

Intelligence, Insights, Reports, Advisories, Briefing, Updates, Bulletins, Whitepaper, Studies, Analysis, Webinars, Podcast, Conference Presentations, Panel Discussions, Newsletters, Case Studies, eBooks, Blogs, Policy Briefs …

With geopolitical tensions on the rise, and larger numbers of advisories in the market, the current methods for sourcing and disseminating this valuable  content are disjointed and inefficient. Competing for attention on social media, where ephemeral posts get buried in feeds full of largely irrelevant noise, is increasingly challenging. Unsaved webinar recordings and podcasts containing amazing insights are easily lost and forgotten.

Organic reach on social media is becoming increasingly restricted in favour of ever more expensive paid advertising options.

At Marshal, we recognized these pain points and have set out to design and develop a solution to capture and present publications in a way that can be accessed, filtered and followed by the global stakeholder community more effectively, for the greater benefit of both publisher and consumer alike.

In conjunction with our existing Resources, Training, and Events channels, we envisage a centralized Publications channel where the industry’s valuable content would reside, be easily discoverable, quickly updatable, and drive meaningful business connections.

A “digital library” is not a novel idea, of course, and such concepts have been attempted before – but they have been limited to simply collating static and generic publications such as “International Standards”.

No more scouring scattered websites, stumbling across social media posts, or subscribing to a multitude of emails.

To have impact, the solution needs to be able to cater to the fluid environment it operates in, and capture the regular thought leadership and advice that abounds from hugely experienced and skilled practitioners that support the market with their actionable expertise and insights.

From Conflict Zones to Cyberspace, our Publications Channel will seek to revolutionize how security risk management publications are shared and consumed, by enabling dynamic, easily updated distribution of content across the sector, through a single, dedicated point of reference.

Access. Filter. Follow.

Through the Channel’s powerful search capabilities, users will quickly filter publications by subject matter, geographic region, and content type to pinpoint and follow the alerts, updates, analysis, whitepapers, and reports most pertinent to their needs.

The Channel’s notification system will ensure stakeholders never miss an update from the publications they follow, where subjects align with their desired focus areas, and with such updates signposted in users’ personally curated library feed containing only the content they select, and no other distractions.

Driving Meaningful Business Connections.

Our Channel would be offered as a complimentary service to Company’s publishing such content: no paywalls, no fees, no complications. Just a revolutionary new way to share and access the industry’s diverse, and highly valuable expertise.

When visitors follow content posted through the platform, their details are captured securely as opt-in leads, offering Business Development Teams a direct line to a qualified audience in order to generate the opportunity to cross- and up-sell associated or adjacent products and services (which is, of course, what the most publications are intended to achieve).


If you wish to explore the potential of this new distribution option, let us know in the comments what content your organisation publishes, and we will keep you informed about becoming an early adopter of our proposed Publications Channel.

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