What happens when the Police don’t do their job?

Published by Marshal on

For all of Marshal’s focus on “global” safety and security risk at the corporate level, this “local level” incident as described by BBC News in this – frankly horrifying – article, is also worth sharing, not just because of the appalling attacks by utter scum, ganging up on defenseless children – with the purpose of sharing it on social media to further humiliate the victim! – but also because of the headline:

“If the Police wont do their job, we’ll do it for them”. 

This is where we (stated from a UK-centric perspective) seem to be going as a society. The police appear to have gone AWOL – anecdotally far too concerned, instead, with enforcing the use of pronouns.

Nature abhors a vacuum. Well, we have one, and it’s extremely worrying. 

View the story here: https://lnkd.in/dV9tshkh


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