How can Risk Management companies better leverage existing customers for business growth?

Published by Marshal on

Every day we see companies, and their employees independently, posting testimonials for their solutions on Social Media. 

These are great!… but, in a short scroll, they’re gone and likely forgotten. 

There is huge value in hearing and reading the opinion of people who have benefited from your solutions, so why not capture your testimonials more effectively?

In amongst our suite of channels, comprising Recruitment, Training, Resources, Events and Publications, Marshal enables you to request and display all your testimonials for posterity… and future marketing! 

You can use your promotions not just to showcase capabilities but – just as importantly – to promote their value as experienced by those you helped. 

So, take that value from your customers, and put it in your marketing collateral. This will create fresh perspectives, new eyeballs, and messages for your prospects to absorb, so they can make more informed decisions. 

It’s time to stand out from the rest, and this is one sure way to do so. 

Marshal is helping stakeholders resource the best capability available to protect lives and safeguard assets, where and when needed, by linking RFQs to a registered supplier network, who generate indicative proposals via their detailed marketing collateral – making procurement faster, easier, and more transparent.

Visit Marshal to submit RFQs, register as a Supplier or Practitioner, or subscribe to Network Updates.


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